Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 28 - Madrid

As I said in the blog entry before, we went to bed, and never woke up again last night.  All in all, I know that I slept at least 14 hours or so.  I know Blake and Josh both went to sleep at different times than me, but I think they were both pretty close to that number.  Anyway, it was a great night of just catching up on some much needed sleep.

By the time we were up and actually ready to go, it was about noon... maybe 1, but who's counting?  Anyway, we were up and ready to see the city.  So, the first stop on our agenda was to hit the royal palace.  As far as my opinion is concerned, it really is a must see.  There are multiple really cool things, but my favorite was the Royal Armory.  They have so much armor, horse armor, weapons, and cool stuff on display.  Definitely worth the price of admission, just for those couple of rooms.  Also in the palace is the Royal Pharmacy where blown glass and porcelain containers adorn the walls to make a super nice Walgreens.  But seriously, it was cool.  Finally the Palace itself is awesome.  All the rooms in the entire place are different, so every 30-40 meters you get a totally different feel.  It's really quite incredible and over the top.

After the plaza, we were hungry and luckily stumbled upon this great sandwich place.  It's a place that serves 100 different mini sandwiches for 1.20 Euro a piece.  So, you get 4-6 sandwiches and it comes with potato chips.  They have everything from Omelette to Chicken to Anchovy.  Everything we got was super good, and it was nice to have an affordable meal fill us up.  You know, as Americans we have to be full.

Ok, after awesome sandwich place we headed to the modern art museum which is filled with tons of cool art including works from Picasso and Salvador Dali.  It was a great little museum made even greater with free admission after 3pm on Saturdays!

After the museum we stopped by Ben & Jerry's to get our American ice cream fix for the week.  I had a cookie sundae with my favorite ice cream ever, cinnamon w/ oatmeal chocolate chip cookie dough.  It's seriously the best stuff ever.  If you can ever find it at a grocery store (which you barely ever can), buy it immediately.   After ice cream dinner we headed back to the hotel to get some stuff done.  Oh, I forgot to mention... by this point we have decided to stay an extra day in Madrid because we realized there is a bull fight at the the third largest and "most important bullfighting ring in the world" the next day.  So, we headed back, got some stuff done, watched a little billiards, and hit the sack.

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