Sunday, June 29, 2008

Day 13 - Prague

Our hostel in Prague was Sir Toby's Hostel.  It was definitely the best one I have stayed in, and I think Josh would agree that it was pretty solid.  The place is 4 stories tall, and also has a basement which serves at the breakfast area in the morning and the bar at night.  The next floors are all different types of rooms.  Some are 8-10 bed rooms, and others are as small as 2-5.  For those of you that aren't familiar with Hosteling, it's basically whatever you want to spend for convenience and comfort.  So, if you are a light sleeper and just want a night by yourself or with one other person, normally you can get a 2 bed room.  I really prefer staying in something larger though.  First of all it's cheaper.  Secondly, it's just a lot more fun to hang out in a room with other new and different people...  If this trip has taught me anything so far, it's that I want to continue to grow and appreciate new people, ideas, and cultures.  I think that back in the Texas Bible Belt, it's easy to get used to being "normal" or being around people that are "normal".  This trip makes me want to step outside that box even more than I already do when I get back.  

Alright, so back to Prague.  We woke up around 10am or so, wandered over to the local supermarket and grabbed some random breakfast foods.  I had a banana (like I do pretty much every day), an apple, a small loaf of bread, and a breakfast bar.  Josh did basically the same thing.  I think he might have gone crazy and grabbed some yogurt.  After breakfast we headed off to the Prague Castle.  On our way we wandered through the cool medieval streets (all uphill).  It is really cool to be able to wander through a city that has been, for the most part, completely preserved though the years.  It's just a different feel when you can be in a place where all of the buildings are still in tact, and the history is so preserved.   Ok, the Prague Castle is really a sight.  It sits up above the main part of the city, and is so intricate.  I wont bore you with the details, but just know that it's pretty incredible.  Once I get my dang camera connected somehow, I will upload pictures of it.  Another option that will be coming very soon will be a site that Josh is going to upload all his pictures to.  Once it is set up (hopefully soon) I will direct everyone toward it.  Sorry, I am getting off track.  Prague Castle houses one of the coolest churches I have ever seen.  The architecture is incredible, but the inside is what is amazing.  The stained glass is just really amazing.  Again, pictures will be available soon.

After Prague Castle, we resorted to doing what we are really starting to do best... wandering.  We covered most of the main part of the city during the next 3-4 hours.  Let's see... I am trying to think of something exciting for this day, but honestly it was just sightseeing.  Kinda boring honestly.  I will just skip to dinner, which was easily one of the best parts of the day.  We wanted to grab a good meal since we have been eating randomly for the past while.  So, we thought the best option would be to find some internet and look up a good place online (because we have the computer now!).  Turns out the only place we could find with free wifi was the local KFC... that's right, Kentucky Fried Chicken.  Not a cool coffee shop or cafe.  Thanks America.  Anyway, we looked up some places on Frommers and found an Italian place pretty near by.  It turned out to be a really excellent decision.  This place was great, and now rivals the Vietnamese in Berlin as the best meal so far.  For me - 4 cheese penne pasta with chicken.  For Josh - spinach and cheese ravioli.  We paired that up with a few Pilsner Urquels each, and it was a great meal.  Then we waited an hour for the check.  Freaking Italians...

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