Monday, June 23, 2008

Day 7 - Amsterdam / Brussels

Alright, I am writing day 7, 8 and 9 posts right now, from Stephanie Johnson's place in Berlin. I will do my best to keep current from this point forward, but trust me, I have been trying. Ok, a quick note about something that is going on that I haven't addressed. Before I left, I was debating on whether to take my computer (a brand new macbook I got before I left) and at the last minute I decided not to bring it. Well, the minute I showed up in London without it, Josh wasn't too happy about it. In typical Josh form he was super cool about it, though. I knew right away that I had made a mistake, as I too was regreting it. I mean, it's pretty obvious that it's hard to blog randomly from random places without a computer. Ok, so the point? My computer is on the way. It is being Mailed to Berlin. So, we wait until it shows up. Originally we were only supposed to be here 2 days, but it might stretch out farther now.

Alright, Day 7... Meetingpoint Hostel in central Amsterdam was not the best sleeping environment. For example, I woke up for the first time at some point in the middle of the night to a horribly smelly guy wandering in late. His stench was a mix of BO, weed, and alcohol. Then, just when it smells bad enough, the dude decides to let out a horribly loud fart... please keep in mind that this dude was 3 or 4 feet from my face. I know that's super gross, but it's just an example of the night of sleep I got. So, I woke up, and Josh and I put our stuff in the luggage storage and took off to a free walking tour of the city. The dude that took us on the tour was really awesome. He is a student that goes to the university of Amsterdam and is one of the bunch of tour guides they have. Alright, so it was a super informative tour and was probably one of the cooler things we did in Amsterdam. It was quite a walk (about 4 hours), but totally worth it.

Ok, so after the walk, we were pretty tired and decided to just take it easy. We spent some time walking around a bit more, went and grabbed our bags, and took a train to Brussels around 6:00...

8:45... we arrived in Brussels and were lucky enough to have a pretty quick and painless transit system that took us only a few blocks from Van Gogh Hostel. I realize now that I spelled Van Gogh wrong in the previous blog. I don't really care too much, but for those people like David who care about grammar, I am sorry. Alright, so we arrive at the hostel, which was super nice. It was clean and we finally were able to sit and chill with some cool people. We met some folks from Philly, a girl from Columbia, and a few others. We all stayed up until late playing pool and sampling Belgian beers.

2:30am... bedtime.

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Love these blogs Harms! In Berlin, check out the Reichstag and go to the top- lots of cool views of the city!